Saturday, December 12, 2009

2 - Observations and happenings

I don't quite know where this stuff will fit in, but I feel it's appropriate to include.
This is how things have happened in my life in 2009.
Good: May 11, Turn 20, have an excellent birthday party, meet some attractive pilots.
Bad: 2 weeks later get severe chest pain and short of breath, assume it is a chest infection, head to A&E to make sure.
Good: After waiting be told that it is indeed a chest infection, go home take some Neurofen and it should clear up.
Bad: 2am, wake in such pain and shortness of breath that I am rushed to A&E again, a broken rib is suspected.
Good: No broken rib, probably just a pulled muscle in my rib cage, advised to take more Neurofen.
Bad: Pain persists, 3rd trip to hospital, wait 8 hours in severe pain to see doctor in A&E.
Good: ish, told that it is not a chest infection, but suspected blood clot, given a blood thinning injection and booked in to have further testing to determine cause of pain.
Bad: Radioactive dye is injected and inhaled to determine whether or not I have a pulmonary embolus.
Good: source of pain disocovered.
Bad: Large, potentially life threatening, blood clots in my lungs.
Good: Finally admitted to hospital.
Bad: Told that I can never be on the pill, or drink alcohol for the next 6 months.
Good: Start getting treatment, take recovery seriously
Bad: Start going out again, give into temptation of alcohol
Good: Have amazing nights out
Bad: All amazing nights are more drunken than I have had in years
Bad: meet a boy that I can't get my mind off, knowing that he has quickly taken his mind off me
Good: settle into normality, step up drunken nights to every weekend.
Bad: Fall over in front of rugby team
Bad: Losing friend for 8 hours at Parklife
Good: Organise New Zealand trip, booking flights, tour and accommodation
Bad: Uni stress and exams
Good: Finish uni for the year
Bad: Told that I will have a cast for 6 weeks
Bad: Told that I will not be able to walk properly even after cast comes off
Bad: Told that there is real concern as to whether or not I am able to go to New Zealand
Bad: Drop iPhone in sink, destroy the one thing keeping me sane and connected to the outside world
Bad: Miss out on Trackside, Foreshore, Bag Raiders
Good: Begin to appreciate the good times
Good: spend plenty of quality time with Mum and Dad
Good: Building excellent upper body strength and getting really good on crutches
Good: head out for the first time for my dear friend's birthday, enjoy a nice meal out, fool people into thinking I am able bodied, stay out until 2 am.
Good: Stop drinking; at least for the time being, I think this is the way I am being told, or subconsciously telling myself, to slow down.
Good: get totally, pathetically, obsessed with Twilight series, join team Jacob.
Good: take time to really organise things and make the most of the time that I have.

This year, since May, has been up and down. But really I think this injury is not all bad. I truly do appreciate the time it has given me, and although I am poor due to lost earnings, I am en"rich"ing my soul. Or something like that

- L

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